Date: Feb. 22, 2019
Hosting Club: Belconnen Dog Obedience Club
AFA Rep: Carolyn Shrives
Event Organiser: Kylie White
Email: [email protected]
Mobile Phone: 0408 940 824
Host Club: Belconnen Dog Obedience Club
Event Venue:
Royal Canberra Show Flemington Rd MItchell ACT Magpie Park - Flyball Arena
Event Location:
Magpie Park - Flyball Arena Flemington Rd Mitchell
Event Date: 22/02/2019
Event Format:
beginners training singles and Pairs
All dogs need to be in the grounds by 8am.
BDOC will have fencing available to split the middle lane if needed.
Friday is designed to have fun and provide entertainment to the crowds.
In is sanctioned as a separate event to the race meet on the two following days so racing dogs can participate if the handler chooses to do so
Training in the ring registration form
Event Size:
80 foot run off by 50 foot wide can use 2 rings if needed
Event Venue:
Royal Canberra Show Flemington Rd MItchell ACT Magpie Park - Flyball Arena
Running surface: Grass