2019 AFA Annual General Meeting – Early Notice and information.
The 2019 AGM will be held on Saturday the 24th August 2019 at 7.30pm via Conference call hook up. A listing of approved venues that will be connected via Conference call will be advised to members after the July Committee Meeting. As per normal there must be a limited number of venues in all States.
Papers for the 2019 AGM will be made available to all Members via the AFA Web Site. The Committee decided some years ago that the process of posting out information to every member was to costly and time consuming and the Web site should become the main access for information. The information placed on the web will include the Agenda for the Meeting, the Minutes of last years AGM; the Financial Statements for year ended 30th June 2019; changes to Rules submitted for postal ballot by members; Resolutions submitted for ballot, including amendments to the AFA Constitution ; Life Member nominations and nomination forms for Committee positions.
Postal Ballot Forms for Rules Changes should be downloaded and copied and must be returned addressed to the Returning Officer via the AFA post office Box by Friday the 9th August 2019 as must any Motions members wish to see submitted at the AGM for voting. Motions will be made available to members via the AFA Web site.
Nominations for the Committee must be received in the AFA Post Box addressed to Returning Officer by no later than Friday 16th August.
A copy of the 2019/2020 Committee nominations Form will be available on the AFA Web site in June.
As indicated earlier in accordance with Clause 22 (g) of the Constitution members wishing to submit any Motions to the AGM must submit the motion in writing to the AFA by NO LATER than C.O.B. Friday 9th August 2019. Motions should be drafted in a manner that allows a Yes / No / Abstain vote and should be accompanied by a short (suggested max 100 words) statement in support. Motions submitted will be made available for members consideration via the AFA Web. A limited number of copies of the following documents will be made available to members at the AGM by Venue co-ordinators:
- Presidents Report
- List of Nominations received for the 2019/20 Committee and accompanying Ballot Forms where required;
- Copies of the Annual Financial Statements and accompany Audit Report
- Life Member nominations and support statements submitted with nominations.
Venue Co-ordinators will also have available final Membership lists and member sign in sheets. Only financial ordinary Members and Life members are entitled to vote at the AGM.
Results of Postal Ballots and the 2019 Annual Awards will be announced at the AGM.
Each Venue will have an appointed scrutineer/s to oversee voting and to submit returns to the appointed Returning Officer.
Additional information on the AGM will also be available on the AFA Web as it becomes available.
Brian Lindsay (A.F.A. Secretary).
Download the Nomination Form for Presidents appreciation Awards and Life Membership here.
Download the 2019 Committee Nomination form
Download the Voting Form for 2019 Ballot rules
Download the 2019 draft AGM Agenda
Nomination for Life Membership
Mark 2 Motion to Change the AFA Constitution
Mark 2 Explanation of the changes to the AFA Constitution
Mark 2 Final Constitution of the AFA. Final version for the AFA AGM 2019
Updated List of AGM Venues 2019
AFA Accounts Review from the Auditor